Our Sponsors
Here at Omanu SLSC we would like to thank our amazing sponsors and funders, with their generous support we continue to achieve our mission of keeping our community safe on our beaches. Ngā mihi nui ki a koe
If you would like to become a Friend of Omanu please refer to our FLYER for more details.

Body in Motion

Cooney Lees Morgan

Design Juice

Team Theo - Real Estate

Structure Design

Race One

Placemakers - Mount Maunganui

Forsyth Barr Investments



Moon Civil and Drainage

4 Square Mount Maunganui

Mount Brewing Co.

Nest Legal Conveyancing

Steve Bird Wines

Greg Swanberg Plumbing

JC Transport

Acorn Foundation

Pub Charity

The Lion Foundation

Mackay Strathnaver Trust


Four Winds Foundation

Bay Trust

Legacy Trust